On 25-27th June 2025, the project will co-host the workshop Genealogies of Corporate Morality: Approaching Business Ethics through Intellectual History taking place at University of St. Andrews Business School, Scotland, UK
See call for papers here: https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/assets/university/schools/school-of-management/documents/CfP%20-%20Genealogies%20of%20Corporate%20Morality%20-%20St%20Andrews%20June%202025.pdf
Markets, Science and Politics: The EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities for Global Governance
Paper presentation: Tessa Barnow, Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen & Mathias Hein Jessen.
Paper development workshop for Special Issue in Socio-Economic Review on Global Governance and the Emergence of a Post-Neoliberal Order (eds. Alexandros Kentikelenis, Quinn Slobodian & Christy Thornton).
Empire, Incorporated: The Corporations That Built British Colonialism
Talk by Philip J. Stern (Duke University) on his book Empire, Incorporated: The Corporations That Built British Colonialism (Harvard University Press, 2023), in conversation with Joshua Barkan (University of Georgia)
Intellectual histories of the corporation
Workshop: Copenhagen Business School
Nexus of Contracts Corporation and Social Contract Theory
Benjamin Ask-Popp Madsen at the Danish Society for Political Science Annual Meeting.
Contractual Freedom and Individual Voluntarism: The Nexus of Contracts Firm as Political Ideology
Paper presentation Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen in the research group JURASOC – Legal, social and technology studies, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Business Humanities and Law.
The Theory of the Firm and the Spectre of Marx
Conference Presentation: Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen / The Theory of the Firm and the Spectre of Marx The National and the International, University of Southern Denmark, 5-6 October 2023.
The EU Taxonomy’s sustainable corporate subject: The politics in financialising sustainability in order to finance the sustainable transition
Conference Presentation: Tessa Barnow: The EU Taxonomy’s sustainable corporate subject: The politics in financialising sustainability in order to finance the sustainable transition. The National and the International, University of Southern Denmark, 5-6 October 2023
The Separation of State and Corporation in Capitalism
Conference Presentation: Mathias Hein Jessen / The Separation of State and Corporation in Capitalism The National and the International, University of Southern Denmark, 5-6 October 2023
The separation of state and corporation in capitalism.
Paper presentation by Mathias Hein Jessen in the research group JURASOC – Legal, social and technology studies, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Business Humanities and Law
The separation of state and corporation in capitalism.
Paper presentation by Mathias Hein Jessen at The Center for Business History, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Business Humanities and Law
Presentation of research project (all participants): Corporate Subjects: An Intellectual History of the Corporation. Governance, Culture and Learning Unit, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Business Humanities and Law, 20 March 2023
Presentation of research project (all participants): Corporate Subjects: An Intellectual History of the Corporation. Research group on Political Management, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Business Humanities and Law, 9 March 2023